At Drillham State School the Australian Curriculum is delivered for all learning areas. Teachers plan, teach, assess and report using the Australian Curriculum as per the school's, Whole school Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting plan. To find out more about the Australian curriculum visit Australian Curriculum. Queensland C2C (Curriculum into the Classroom) materials are used as supporting documents across most learning areas. LOTE is delivered through the Capricorn School of Distance Education. The Queensland curriculum is used for Instrumental Music.
Time allocation for each learning area at Drillham is in-line with requirements as set out by the QCAA (Queensland Curriculum and Assessment Authority). To improve curriculum delivery, all teachers specialise in particular learning areas delivering to Prep to Year 6.
Developing the general capabilities of the Australian Curriculum is a priority at Drillham which includes developing literacy and numeracy skills across all learning areas. To support literacy development a focus is placed on the 'Big 6' which include oral language, phonemics awareness, phonics, vocabulary development, fluency and comprehension. Teachers plan for the development of critical and creative thinking, information and communication technology capabilities, and personal and social capabilities to develop the whole child.
Assessment & Reporting
Assessment and reporting is moderated across all year levels to ensure consistency and continuity of programs. Reporting to parents includes formal and informal interviews, written reports and systemic reports. Written reports are issued for semester 1 and 2. Face to face interviews are offered at the beginning of Term 2 and 4. Parents are welcome to organise a meeting with their child's teacher at anytime.
Year 3's and Year 5's participate in the three-day National Assessment Program in Literacy and Numeracy (NAPLAN) in Term 1 each year. A NAPLAN report is issued to parents later in the year. For more information visit NAP (National Assessment Program).
Student Resource Scheme (SRS)
With P&C support, under the Student Resource Scheme, parents are able to, if they choose, purchase student booklist & stationery supplies directly through the school at the end of the year or upon enrolment. All booklist & stationery items purchased become the property of the students.
An SRS is also in place for the School's instrumental music program. As part of this SRS students own the music book provided to them and consumables required to play the instrument. The SRS supports servicing, maintaining and repairing instruments. It also supports cost of photocopying and purchasing music sheets for the school, which remain the property of the school, though used during lessons and band.